Francesca Palombini has entered the following ballot position for
draft-ietf-alto-performance-metrics-20: Discuss

When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
introductory paragraph, however.)

Please refer to
for more information about how to handle DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.

The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:


Thank you for the work on this document.

Many thanks to Christian Amsüss for his review: , and
thanks to the authors for addressing it.

I am holding a DISCUSS to make sure the examples are fixed before publication.
Additionally, I agree with Christian that the line "Content-Length: TBA" in all
the examples is not really helpful to the reader, and I suggest to either
remove it or replace TBA with the actual content length for each example.


1. -----

       "meta": {
                  "cost type": {
                "cost-mode": "numerical",
      "endpoint-cost-map": {
              "ipv4:": {
              "ipv4:"   : 5,
              "ipv4:": 3

FP: JSON doesn't validate. There is one "}" too many after "hopcount".

2. -----

     "meta": {
        "cost type": {
           "cost-mode": "numerical",
     "endpoint-cost-map": {
       "ipv4:": {
         "ipv4:"   : 256000,
         "ipv4:": 128000

FP: JSON doesn't validate. I believe there is 2 errors: after the second "}"
after "tput" there is a missing "," , and it is also missing a final "}" at the

3. -----

     "meta": {
       "cost-type" {
         "cost-mode": "numerical",
         "cost-metric": "bw-residual"
     "endpoint-cost-map" {
       "ipv4:" {
         "ipv4:" :    0,
         "ipv4:": 2000

FP: JSON doesn't validate - there is a bunch of missing ":" all over.

4. -----

       "cost-type" { "cost-mode":   "numerical",
                     "cost-metric": "bw-maxres"},
       "endpoints":  {
         "srcs": [ "ipv4 :" ],
         "dsts": [

FP: JSON doesn't validate: missing ":" after "cost-type"

5. -----

     "meta": {
       "cost-type": {
         "cost-mode":   "numerical",
         "cost-metric": "bw-maxres"
     "endpoint-cost-map": {
       "ipv4:" {
         "ipv4:" :    0,
         "ipv4:": 2000

FP: JSON doesn't validate: missing ":" after "ipv4:"

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