Reviewer: Spencer Dawkins
Review result: Ready with Issues

My apologies for a late early review(!?!).

I might be confused about this, but I see that this specification uses these
HTTP2 settings

0x02     SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH (a BCP14 “MUST”), and

RFC 9114 reserves these in the parallel HTTP/3 registry
(, and says this
about these reserved values in Defined SETTINGS Parameters

Setting identifiers that were defined in [HTTP/2] where there is no
corresponding HTTP/3 setting have also been reserved (Section 11.2.2). These
reserved settings MUST NOT be sent, and their receipt MUST be treated as a
connection error of type H3_SETTINGS_ERROR.

Is that going to be a problem?

I’m also wondering if you need in-order delivery of results across multiple
QUIC streams. If you do, could you please let me know?

I hope this is helpful.

p.s. I should also let someone know that the HTML version of this draft says
it's -00 in the heading, but the date matches the date for -01, so I THINK I
was looking at the right version, but I've never seen that before.

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