I'd just like to note that I kept asking myself what Mark Nottingham would
say, while thinking about my own review comments - I'm really glad to see
that you're also talking to Mark!



On Thu, Jul 21, 2022, 23:00 Mark Nottingham <m...@mnot.net> wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> I'm just going to give some impressions while reading this, FWIW.
> > On 22 Jul 2022, at 6:20 am, Y. Richard Yang <y...@cs.yale.edu> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Mark, Martin, Spencer,
> >
> > First, thank you so much for the reviews. Sorry for the delay in
> responding asap, due to summer and travel.
> >
> > One common comment we see from all three of you, in different texts, is
> essentially on the service model of the current document (
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-alto-new-transport/): how
> much control on the ordering of the messages (Mark/Martin), in-order or not
> (Spencer). Hence, after the meeting early morning today, we feel that we
> should start a single thread to discuss this issue. We will send a summary
> of our responses to each of your individual reviews later.
> >
> > To help make clear the problem and the current design, let's start by
> summarizing the transport model of ALTO/SSE (RFC8895;
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8895). We will state the problem
> as abstract as possible to see the essence of the problem and the potential
> design choices:
> > - P1: A server offers multiple resources R = {R[1], R[2], R[3], R[4],
> ...}, where each R[i]i is represnted by a URI;
> Good so far; that's pretty much a description of every use of HTTP.
> > - P2: A client can request from the server the monitoring of a subset M
> of the resources: M \subset R, e.g., M = {R[1], R[2], R[3]}; for example,
> R[1] is a network map, R[2] is a cost map using the network map R[1], and
> R[3] is an endpoint property map; for simplicity, assume the requested
> resources numbered 1 to |M|
> So, in HTTP terms, that would be creating a new resource whose semantic is
> "I am a monitor for  _this_ set of resources". The tricky party here is how
> to realise that in terms of HTTP -- i.e., what does a GET response look
> like?
> One answer would be a feed format like RSS or Atom. Do you support GET in
> this fashion?
> > - P3: The server can push a sequence of incremental updates to the
> client for each resource in M. Denote {U[i,1], U[i,2], ...} as the update
> sequence from the server to the client for R[i] in M, where U[i,1] is the
> first response for the requested resource R[i], U[i,2] is an incremental
> update (patch) on top of U[i,1], U[i,3] is the incremental update on top of
> U[i,2], ...
> Here's where I get more concerned. Server Push is unproven, and indeed has
> been shown to be an anti-pattern for its originally intended use case.
> Folks are still interested in it for API use cases (and I'd see this as one
> of those), but it's still very wild west, with no real widespread
> deployment experience that I'm aware of. See especially <
> https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc9205.html#server-push>.
> The first question I'd ask here is whether polling a resource (like a feed
> document) is sufficient. That pattern works very well with HTTP, and is
> well-understood -- _much_ more so than Server Push.
> The downside, of course, is latency, but it's not unknown to deploy
> applications with very high polling frequencies (e.g., 1/s). Have you
> considered this approach? Would modifying it to long-polling (where the
> client always keeps a request 'hanging' until the server has an update)
> help? Keep in mind that with HTTP/2 and above, long-polling has very few
> downsides.
> Another option would be to invert the relationship and have what's
> currently the server open connections to the current client and PUT / PATCH
> updates to them. Much more natural HTTP, but of course you need an identity
> for the client and a clear path to it. This approach also has considerable
> deployment experience (commonly known as 'webhooks').
> > - P3.1: For flexibility, each U[i,j] can choose its own encoding; for
> example, U[1,1] is application/alto-networkmap+json, U[1,2] is
> application/merge-patch+json; concrete examples please see the current
> draft (search "Promised Stream 4" and "Promised Stream 6")
> Sure.
> > - P4: Consider the dependency among the information resources in P3:
> {U[1,1], U[1,2], ...}, {U[2,1], U[2,2], ...}, and {U[3,1], ....}. There are
> two types:
> > - P4.1 We have that U[i,j+1] depends on U[i,j] due to incremental
> updates---in the general case, the client needs to have received and
> processed U[i,j] to apply U[i,j+1], unless U[i,j+1] is a snapshot (not an
> incremental update).
> Right. The closest things that we have for managing this sort of thing in
> HTTP today are conditional requests; e.g., If-Match.
> > - P4.2 It is possible that U[i', j'] depends on U[i, j], where i' != i:
> for example, a cost map depends on the correct version of the network map.
> That's a purely application-level semantic, correct? I.e., resource A
> isn't useful without resource B, and furthermore representation 1 of
> resource A requires representation 4 of resource B to be interpreted
> correctly. This is similar to issues that people face in caching CSS,
> JavaScript and the like today -- generally it's solved by giving
> representations with breaking changes different URLs, and referencing them
> directly from their dependants. We've talked about other ways to solve
> this, but that's current practice.
> > If one goes academic, there is a dependency graph that can describe the
> dependencies.
> >
> > In RFC8895, since it is a single HTTP connection, all of the {U[i,j]}
> are *linearized" by the server into a single sequence, and Section 6.7 of
> RFC8895 specifies the linearization (serialization) requirements (P4.1 and
> P4.2). As we know from concurrency control, linearization is strong and
> leaves performance on the table. One of the motivations for the new
> document is to take advantage of the more relaxed concurrency model allowed
> by HTTP/2 and HTTP/3.
> >
> > So what are the design points that the design team has considered:
> >
> > - D1 (linearization): the server pushes all {U[i,j]} in a single stream.
> Due to P3.1, there must be an internal structure to separate the U[i,j]
> boundaries and different U[i,j] can have different media types, leading
> back to RFC8895.
> I don't understand why it's necessary to do this. AFAICT there are no
> ordering constraints created by state-changing operations; rather, you just
> have dependencies that can be resolved once all of the updates are
> available.
> For example, if you *are* going to stay with Server Push, I immediately
> wonder what the value of having a monitor resource is, rather than just
> having the appropriate resources push updates directly using their own
> identity. Of course you still need some sort of subscription mechanism, but
> that doesn't mean that the actual updates need to be coalesced into one
> HTTP response.
> >
> > - D2 (max concurrency): Each U[i,j] is sent in an independent
> (concurrent) push stream (and hence can use its own media type as it is)
> and let the application-layer handles dependency: ALTO has a build-in
> dependency check for cross-resource (P4.2) and the sequence numbers of
> incremental updates allow application (ALTO client) to figure out the
> same-resource dependency (P4.1). The application (ALTO client) buffers all
> streams to realize the ordering.
> Right, this seems more reasonable, although again I wonder about the use
> of Push.
> > - D3 (max concurrency with server barrier): It is D2 but requires that
> the server does not push U[i',j'] if there is a U[i,j], s.t., (1) U[i,j] is
> still being sent by the server to the client and (2) U[i',j'] depends on
> U[i,j].
> >
> > The intention of the current document is to reflect D3. Note that for
> D3, the ALTO client still needs to handle the dependency correctly, as the
> streams may be only buffered at the kernel, and not processed. But the
> benefit of D3 over D2 is that it implements essentially some flow control,
> to avoid a faster server overwhelming a slower client.
> The streams might be buffered anywhere in the handling chain. Given that
> H2/H3 already have flow control, is this really necessary? Or are you
> trying to manage buffer sizes 'above' the HTTP layer?
> > One design point that one may consider is
> > - D4 (linearization of same resource and concurrency for different
> resources): the U[i,j] of the same R[i] is sent in the same stream (and
> hence linearized); this can be a reasonable design, but due to P3.1, it is
> still not clean; see D1 discussion.
> Indeed.
> > I hope that the preceding has clarified the stream control issue that
> the design faced. One can see that the issue can be considered as a generic
> issue--what to specify when embedding one concurrency model (P4.1/P4.2)
> into a given concurrency structure (HTTP/2 or HTTP/3). We took a quick look
> at DoH. It looks that the dependency model of DoH might be simpler: there
> is no same-resource (DNS resource type) due to no incremental updates (DNS
> update model appears to be the idempotent overwrite model) or
> cross-resource dependency. Please correct us if we have missed it.
> >
> > The current document tried to separate the issue into Sec. 8 (ALTO/H2
> Stream Management). One way forward we can see is to (1) only specify that
> each U[i,] is mapped to its own stream (to handle P3.1), and (2) not
> specify the dependency among U[i,j] (i.e., specify as close as possible to
> specify nothing) and let the client figure out the dependency at the
> message; we add the requirement language such as "The client MUST check the
> dependency ...;"
> Overall, this seems like a very awkward layering of an application onto
> HTTP. I don't know enough about the underlying requirements to tell whether
> a more natural approach is possible today, but I suspect it might be.
> Being able to get updates to the state of a set of resources is a pretty
> common requirement, so I'd very much like to see this addressed in a
> generic way that's both reusable for other applications and that works well
> with the other parts of HTTP. I wrote a little more about this here: <
> https://www.mnot.net/blog/2022/02/20/websockets>.
> Another thing that comes to mind is that what you're trying to do seems to
> have _some_ overlap with what the BRAID folks are trying to do: <
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-toomim-httpbis-braid-http>.
> I'd be very interested to hear if you thought it'd be helpful to have that
> document move forward.
> Hope this helps,
> --
> Mark Nottingham   https://www.mnot.net/
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