Hi Qin, Jordi,

Just to confirm that there will be no regular weekly meeting today at 9 AM
US ET, but a side meeting at 12:30 pm US ET.


On Sun, Nov 6, 2022 at 11:11 AM Jordi Ros Giralt <j...@qti.qualcomm.com>

> Blocking this time to have an ALTO side meeting during the IETF 115. We
> will soon send the room location for those in London and the
> videoconference link for those remote.
> Qin and Jordi on behalf of ALTO
> ________________________________________________________________________________
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| Y. Richard Yang <y...@cs.yale.edu>   |
| Professor of Computer Science       |
| http://www.cs.yale.edu/~yry/        |
alto mailing list

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