Hi Jordi,

Fine for me to skip regular call and meet altogether at interim call.

Best regards


De: alto <alto-boun...@ietf.org> En nombre de Jordi Ros Giralt
Enviado el: martes, 11 de abril de 2023 13:31
Para: alto@ietf.org
Asunto: [alto] Reminder ALTO interim meeting today at 10am EST (not 9am)

Hello ALTOers,

Just a reminder that we will be meeting today Tuesday at 10am EST for the ALTO 
interim #3 meeting. The focus of this meeting is on "WGLC follow-up of 
OAM/Transport I-Ds":

- Remote instructions: 
- Agenda 
- Session materials: 

Note that at 9am EST we have our usual ALTO weekly meeting. However, today's 
important meeting is the interim, held at 10am EST. So let me suggest that we 
skip the 9am call so we can all focus on the 10am call. I will join the 9am 
call in case anyone needs to be reminded about the 10am interim meeting.

Below you will also find the agendas for the forthcoming interim meetings as 
proposed by the chairs:

* interim #2: WGLC follow-up of OAM/Transport I-Ds

* interim #3: Deployment Catalysts

*         Reuse existing network resources to identify ALTO resources (e.g., 
BGP communities)

*         Proposals to fix the integration complexity and integration with data 

* interim #4: OAM/Transport I-Ds

* interim #5: Deployment Catalysts

*         Security/privacy isolation

Jordi on behalf of ALTO WG


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