Hi, Danny:
BGP community can be seen as a tag attached to the BGP routes exchanged between 
two BGP peers.
It is interesting to see ALTO network map can be generated based on 
BGP-communities, two questions I want to ask here:

1.       We have many common BGP communities, e.g., local AS community, route 
target community, route origin community, do you think all these communities 
can be used to generate network map

2.       For network map, we usually map IP addresses to PIDs, e.g.,

       "network-map" : {
         "PID0" : { "ipv6" : [ "::/0" ] },
         "PID1" : { "ipv4" : [ "" ] },
         "PID2" : { "ipv4" : [ "", "" ] },
         "PID3" : { "ipv4" : [ "", "" ] }
      So when we introduce communities, do you think such mapping should be 
modified, replaced? What format will looks like?
      e.g., should establish the mapping between PIDs and community or should 
we define the network map other than ipv4/ipv6 network map?

发件人: alto [mailto:alto-boun...@ietf.org] 代表 Danny Lachos
发送时间: 2023年7月5日 15:59
<luismiguel.contrerasmuri...@telefonica.com>; Y. Richard Yang 
<y...@cs.yale.edu>; IETF ALTO <alto@ietf.org>
主题: Re: [alto] Topic B - maintenance of ALTO protocol // RE: June 20, 2023 
meeting minutes and discussion working links

Hi Luis,
Thanks for starting this thread

See a quick comment below:
1/ extension of ALTO to consider operational simplicity. Here fits the proposal 
of introducing BGP communities in ALTO. The rationale is that operators use BGP 
communities quite often as mechanism for applying policies and determining 
certain behaviors on the IP addresses grouped in the form of communities. This 
seems quite useful as well at the time of exposing associated information 
(metrics, topology, etc) as enabled by ALTO. An initial draft can be found 
here: https://github.com/luismcontreras/alto-bgp-communities
The plan is to generate version -01 for IETF 117.
Regarding the use of BGP information (including BGP communities), I was 
wondering how to process this data. Should it be considered an aggregation 
This is because tons of data will eventually be received, and in this case, the 
BGP routing information could be aggregated into subnet prefixes grouped by 
their attributes (Communities, BGP nextHop, etc.).
This process will massively compress the BGP data and then this re-structured 
and aggregated data could be used to generate, for instance, ALTO network maps 
based on BGP-Communities.

Make sense?
On 26.06.23 23:13, LUIS MIGUEL CONTRERAS MURILLO wrote:
Hi all,

Related to Topic B on maintenance of ALTO, as a way of summary of what has been 
discussed during the last weeks, we could have two major sub-topics:

1/ extension of ALTO to consider operational simplicity. Here fits the proposal 
of introducing BGP communities in ALTO. The rationale is that operators use BGP 
communities quite often as mechanism for applying policies and determining 
certain behaviors on the IP addresses grouped in the form of communities. This 
seems quite useful as well at the time of exposing associated information 
(metrics, topology, etc) as enabled by ALTO. An initial draft can be found 
here: https://github.com/luismcontreras/alto-bgp-communities
The plan is to generate version -01 for IETF 117.

2/ security aspects of ALTO. This has been discussed in both one of the interim 
meetings (see 
 and one ad-hoc discussion meeting 
(https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/alto/HnhO5H5xy4hBGtfm3JI7-K9mq3Y/). The 
rationale for this activity is to improve the security around the deployment 
and operation of ALTO in production networks. As commented during the interim, 
there are a number of security issues documented so far, like:
1.       A high-level discussion of security issues in the ALTO problem 
statement [RFC5693]
2.       Unwanted information disclosure risks, as well as specific 
security-related requirements in the ALTO requirements document [RFC6708].
3.       Issues related ALTO server discovery in [RFC7286]
4.       Identified cases for ALTO deployments in [RFC7971]
5.       Security considerations in the remaining RFCs
However, new security concerns emerge from deployments, such as:
1.       Obfuscation of PIDs, and the handling of them in scenarios with 
multiple ALTO clients
2.       Mechanisms for isolation of the ALTO server from direct client 
3.       Secure retrieval of information from external components (e.g., 
probes, etc)
4.       etc
A potential first step could be to document these new security considerations 
and then concentrate on those not solved representing relevant threats in ALTO 

There could be other relevant topics related to the maintenance of ALTO part 
from the two commented above.

Any further ideas on this respect?

Of course for those interested on the topics above, please comment.

Thanks in advance

Best regards


De: alto <alto-boun...@ietf.org><mailto:alto-boun...@ietf.org> En nombre de Y. 
Richard Yang
Enviado el: miércoles, 21 de junio de 2023 1:47
Para: IETF ALTO <alto@ietf.org><mailto:alto@ietf.org>
Asunto: [alto] June 20, 2023 meeting minutes and discussion working links

Hi all,

As suggested by Ayoub, Jordi and others during the weekly meeting today, 
starting from today, the note taker will not only update the meeting minutes 
 but also provide a text summary and comments, if appropriate, on the meeting. 
So below are my quick comments and the full meeting minutes are below; the 
archive is at the link above.

Regarding comments, the most important item that I, as a note taker, take away 
is the wonderful discussion about how to organize future work discussions. In 
particular, the participants divided the potential work into 4 areas, and 
created 4 github issues. We also created a common Google doc to allow 
systematic write up. The links to them are below.

In particular, the four areas and their coordinators are:
- A: Integration of data sources and their exposures; coordinator: Jordi, Luis 
and Kai
- B: Maintenance of ALTO protocol; coordinator: Luis, Richard
- C: Security and trust; coordinators: Ayoub, Junichi, Motoyoshi
- D: New architectural extensions; coordinators: Roland and Sabine

We sure can adjust the coordinators. So so, please let me know, and we can 
adjust the page. The plan is that the coordinators will closely with the chairs 
(Qin and Med) to make concrete progress. The coordinators will kick off the 

Richard as note taker on June 20, 2023

==== Meeting Minutes Text ====

IETF, ALTO Meeting: June 20, 2023

1.       Transport and OAM documents
1.       Transport: 
2.       OAM: https://github.com/ietf-wg-alto/draft-ietf-alto-oam-yang/issues
3.       ALTO Future Work: 
4.       Preps for IETF 117:
1.       Drafts and presentations that the ALTO group plans to work on
2.       Agenda
5.       New revision of Green Networking Metrics draft in opsawg: 


*Note taker: Richard
1.  Charter documents: transport and OAM updates
1.       OAM: Jensen and Med had a discussion on the draft and submit the 
revision to IESG. The document is now waiting for AD review.
2.       Transport: Richard sent a note to Martin Thompson, to provide the 
justification on introducing server push using PUSH PROMISE. It includes two 
basic reasonings: lower load, and the feature is optional; Kai updated that Med 
sent two pull requests and sent the latest version for AD review, and wait for 
2.  Updates on future work on ALTO
1.  Overview: Jordi started with an update on the planning: Please follow the 
ongoing conversation on the WG mailing list initiated by Sabine, engaged by 
Jordi and Luis; the WG welcomes conversations by all; please socialize the 
ideas; leadership is important and please take ownership; this WG meets each 
week, and we do not know any other IETF WG that meets each week, but because we 
meet each week, we do not use the mailing list, which may appear to be inactive 
by those not attending the weekly meeting.
2.  Individual topics:
1.       Jordi summarized that from the mailing list, item 3 appears to be the 
most preferred; please do discussions, propose a charter item and then write 
documents; The goal is to go to 117 and should be prepared.
2.       Richard commented that one of his focus points will be on data 
sources, which can be more informational than standard. Luis advised that there 
can be two types of approaches: bottom-up (individuals propose ideas), and 
top-down (chairs/AD guidance).
3.       Luis suggests that we should take a look at chair-mentioned items such 
as BGP communities, and security; mid-term: such as data sources, please go to 
the mailing list.
3.  Work organization: Meeting notes work plan: Ayoub gave the suggestion that 
note taker shares the note to the mailing list, some kind of annotated meeting 
minutes. Roland clarified that the sharing notes can be double sent, or 
summary/highlights, or up to note taker. Organizing discussions: Luis/Jordi: 
email as record, GitHub tickets to organize; Jordi creates 4 tickets, and puts 
links to doc.
4.  Issues, leads, and working documents:
1.  Topic A:
1.       GitHub issue: 
2.       Topic coordinator: Jordi, Kai
2.  Topic B:
1.       GitHub: #49<https://github.com/ietf-wg-alto/wg-materials/issues/49>
2.       Topic coordinator: Roland, Sabine
3.  Topic C:
1.       GitHub: #50<https://github.com/ietf-wg-alto/wg-materials/issues/50>
2.       Topic coordinator: Ayoub, Junichi, Motoyoshi
4.  Topic D:
1.       GitHub: #51<https://github.com/ietf-wg-alto/wg-materials/issues/51>
2.       Coordinator: Luis, Jordi
5.  Discussion Google doc:
6.  Goals: Enabling conversations and concrete documents (compute, edge 
service, etc), need to focus; real good way to make progress is internet-draft 
(ID) as ground truth, from dynamic to stable, with focus on writing drafts for 
concrete results).

| Y. Richard Yang <y...@cs.yale.edu<mailto:y...@cs.yale.edu>>   |
| Professor of Computer Science       |
| http://www.cs.yale.edu/~yry/        |


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Danny Lachos | Senior Network Engineer

BENOCS GmbH, Berlin

+49 305 7700 0417



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