
I owed you a more detailed analysis of the implications I discussed during the 
call on security and trust implications in ALTO. First of all, my apologies for 
the delay, justified by the overload of this period. I have finally found some 
time, now that I am trying to focus on the coming IETF meeting, and therefore I 
am sharing with you my reflections.

When talking about security and trust in a network capability exposure protocol 
like ALTO, I believe we have to consider four different dimensions:

  *   The security of the transport protocol (typically, TLS, though we could 
even think of other potential encapsulations and consider IPsec, SSH…),  
focused on the specific profiles and requirements for this protocol. That would 
include cyphersuites, requirements for (mutual) authentication, certificate 
profiles, etc.
Another aspect to take into account is how parameters derived from the secure 
transport (think of the identities in the certificates) can be forwarded to the 
application relying on ALTO for making its decisions.
  *   The security of the transferred data itself, associated to data 
serialization. Given the nature of ALTO, the use of mechanisms for signing (and 
even encrypting) JSON would be the obvious choice, though it would be 
interesting to analyze the options at hand, to avoid reinventing a full 
secure-ALTO protocol, and maximize flexibility while addressing relevant use 
cases for securing ALTO statements.
  *   The provenance of the data, in order to properly record the origin and 
history of the data being exposed using ALTO. This includes the different data 
sources aggregated by the ALTO server and the possible re-use of stored or 
post-processed ALTO statements. I have submitted a proposal on YANG provenance 
() that could be applicable here.

  *   The expression of security properties (and trust assessment. Note the 
difference) as ALTO metrics. This would require an extension to the protocol, 
of a nature similar to the ones being discussed for other aspects like energy 

If you find this discussion interesting enough, I’d be more than happy to make 
an introduction to these matters, with the idea of exploring the WG interest on 
the different aspects, at the coming IETF 117, time permitting…

Be goode,

“Esta vez no fallaremos, Doctor Infierno”

Dr Diego R. Lopez
Telefonica I+D

e-mail: diego.r.lo...@telefonica.com<mailto:diego.r.lo...@telefonica.com>
Mobile: +34 682 051 091


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