Dear Chairs,
We would like to ask for the opportunity of having an ALTO WG meeting at IETF 
118 in order to continue working on the re-chartering items. With the recent 
proposal of moving ALTO to OPS Area [1], it seems convenient to put in that 
context the potential new work items, mostly for receiving feedback from OPS 
AD. We also see a risk on the fact that next IETF 119 in Australia could 
represent a logistic challenge for the group in terms of getting together all 
the more-active voices in the WG. Since the new WG assignment should work from 
IETF-119 on, IETF 118 in Prague presents a great opportunity to get together 
and discuss these crucial topics, due to its proximity to the location of most 
of the ALTO team members.
So, please, could you consider the opportunity of calling for an ALTO WG 
meeting in Prague? We think it is a perfect opportunity to progress the WG and 
get timely feedback from the new ADs.

Best regards

Luis (on behalf on the ALTO weekly meetings team)


Luis M. Contreras

Transport & IP Networks
Systems and Network Global Direction
Telefónica I+D / CTIO unit / Telefónica

Distrito Telefónica, Edificio Sur 3, Planta 3
28050 Madrid
España / Spain

Mobile: +34 680 947 650<>


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