Hi Jensen,

> On Dec 12, 2023, at 7:47 AM, Jensen Zhang <jingxuan.n.zh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi authors,
> I am one of the authors of the draft-ietf-alto-oam-yang draft. Our draft is 
> trying to reuse some groupings and typedefs in this document to support some 
> TLS authentication features. But we find the current typedef 'public-key-ref' 
> cannot be used by another module.
> To be more concrete, in the current document, the path of the typedef 
> 'public-key-ref' enforces a prefix of the relative path to the sibling 
> 'public-key-bag' leaf:
>    typedef public-key-ref {
>      type leafref {
>        path "/ts:truststore/ts:public-key-bags/ts:public-key-bag"
>          + "[ts:name = current()/../ts:public-key-bag]/"
>          + "ts:public-key/ts:name";
>      }
>      ...
>    }
> From my understanding, this typedef is for other modules to reference a 
> public key in the trust store. The sibling 'public-key-bag' leaf should be in 
> the same module of the leaf using this typedef, instead of the module 'ts'.
> To make this typedef usable, I believe it should look like the following:
>    typedef public-key-ref {
>      type leafref {
>        path "/ts:truststore/ts:public-key-bags/ts:public-key-bag"
>          + "[ts:name = current()/../public-key-bag]/"
>          + "ts:public-key/ts:name";
>      }
>      ...
>    }
> Otherwise, we have to define another typedef in our own module like this: 
> https://github.com/ietf-wg-alto/draft-ietf-alto-oam-yang/blob/284d2e630cec00f752ea94f586469797786c6f57/yang/ietf-alto.yang#L612-L628

This is my first time looking at Alto.  It may take me a little to fully grok 
what’s going on.  Please let me know if you think a call would be helpful.

Looking at the linked YANG module, I see that it looks very much like the 
"ietf-restconf-server" module’s grouping 
"restconf-server-listen-stack-grouping”, which is fine.

I take it that Alto is okay referencing the central truststore (not defining 
its own instances of "truststore-grouping") as well as supporting inlined 
definitions.  I do not see the Alto module augmenting the centralized 
truststore and, in general, it seems to behave just like the 
ietf-restconf-server module, though I’m sure I’m missing something  ;)

What I don’t understand is why what seems to work in ietf-restconf-server 
doesn’t work in ietf-alto.  Can you help me understand?  

Separately, did ALTO WG ever consider renaming to “ietf-alto-server”?  Would 
there be value to extending that convention for consistency?

One last thought, I notice that ietf-alto defines a number of typedefs that 
seem generic enough to move to ietf-truststore.  Is this thought yours as well?

> Thanks,
> Jensen

Kent   // author

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