I’ll write more later (maybe tomorrow), but I hit 17,900ft with an I216 today. 
I hit a rock on landing and broke a fin, so it doesn’t could as a record 
flight. Still, I’m super happy with it.

The pressure data look better than yesterday, but I used my backup rocket (very 
close to the same, but the static port holes are slightly different). The 
pressure trace looks much better, with only a spike as I transition Mach 1 each 
way. I did use an apogee lockout, but my guess is that it wouldn’t have been 

I’m grabbing a quick lunch, the starting to prep my other rocket for another 
record attempt tomorrow. I’ll share more when I can, including the data.

Thanks everybody!

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 29, 2022, at 11:21 AM, Keith Packard <kei...@keithp.com> wrote:
> "David W. Schultz" <david.schu...@earthlink.net> writes:
>> There are some things in that data that don't make sense to me.
>> At 9.4s there are spikes in the pressure and acceleration, similar to 
>> what you see in ejection events.
>> At 9.47s the state machine switches to the flight_drogue state. (This 
>> should be the triggering event for the drogue output.) You can also see 
>> the change in sample rate (100SPS to 10SPS) just after that. The 
>> velocity at that time is ~240m/s.
> Note that flight state changes are recorded in data records that occur
> at a lower rate than the acceleration records, so the spikes in pressure
> and acceleration are most probably the drogue charge firing.
>> On the following sample (the last at 100SPS) at 9.48s, the velocity 
>> drops to ~90ms. There is nothing in the acceleration or pressure data 
>> that would do that.
> The ground software plotting the data switches from accelerometer
> integration to altitude derivatives to compute vertical speed after apogee.
>> The code to change from the coast state to drogue state requires that 
>> velocity by negative. Nothing else in ao_flight.c changes to that state. 
>> (That is a global variable so could be changed anywhere.) The recorded 
>> data doesn't come close to a negative velocity at that time.
> There is no recording of vertical speed, the ground software computes it
> by integrating acceleration (during ascent) or differentiating altitude
> (during descent).
> In flight, the software uses a Kalman filter that fuses both barometric
> and acceleration data to model height, speed and acceleration. Because
> the barometric data was so erroneous, that model was far from correct,
> and mis-estimated vertical speed badly.
>> Questions:
>> 1) Why did the state machine change to the drogue state?
> The Kalman estimate of speed went negative.
>> 2) Why is there a discontinuity in velocity at 9.48s?
> The ground software changes its method of computing vertical speed after
> apogee.
>> 3) What happened at 9.4s?
> The drogue charge fired at 9.4s, but that wasn't recorded until later.
> I need to fix up the test code which can take the recorded data and run
> the Kalman filter on my laptop; that was broken when we made a few
> changes to how time is stored recently. With that, we can verify that
> the Kalman filter is working as expected.
> Any flight software is full of assumptions and compromises; this
> firmware makes assumptions about the quality of the barometric data, and
> in this case, those assumptions were not correct. In previous firmware
> versions, we ignored barometric data above mach 1, but that caused
> problems when the accelerometer had an offset error and the flight was
> above mach 1 for a sustained period of time.
> As the accelerometer almost always has a small offset error because of
> it's wide range, we decided to re-introduce barometric data above mach
> 1, but assign a larger error margin so that more noise didn't end up in
> the model. However, it still assumes gaussian error, centered around the
> true value (as is required for a Kalman model to function).
> It's the large amount of offset error in the barometric data from this
> flight which caused the fault here; that offset slowly slewed the model
> to an inaccurate vertical speed estimate. Mix that into the deceleration
> measured by the accelerometer and you get an early apogee estimate.
> -- 
> -keith
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