I have a problem with amandas tapes.
5 days ago i got the last mail with a successful backup message:

--- snip ---
These dumps were to tape net-daily4.
Tonight's dumps should go onto 1 tape: a new tape.
--- snap ---

the day after that, the tape was changed to the one one number higher,
but the message was:

--- snip ---
*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [cannot overwrite active tape net-daily5].
--- snap ---

since than i got every day when amanda was supposed to run a similar message.

what went wrong here?

i do not know _exactly_ if tape changes and everything ran as it should as
i do not do that on my own and have no physical access to the machine,
so i would need som,e information how i can figure out what went wrong.

thanx in advance,

Henning Sprang                         Netropol Digitale Systeme
                                         Lagerstrasse 30a
Tel: +49 40 43250000                     D-20357 Hamburg
Fax: +49 40 43189490                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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