On Fri, Nov 03, 2000 at 07:48:13PM -0500, John R. Jackson wrote:

:Does this machine have an 100 Mbit/s Ethernet?  Those are notorious
:for not negotiating the duplex setting properly and things go downhill
:in a hurry after that.  I have the magic /etc/system incantion needed
:(for hme on Sparc) to force the issue if you need it.

Why yes...Sun Ultra1, 100Mbit/s sbus card.

I'm relieved to hear it only takes an incantation, I was affraid we
were going to have to slaughter the fatted calf and I've been saving
that for when the old drives in the next rack over decide to stick :)

:>Selfcheck on this machine producses the same results (permanent hang)
:Huh?  Selfcheck is run by amcheck.  Did you try to run it by hand?
:You would have to know the proper input to give it to get it to do

I was begining to suspect that since it is fairly (if not completely)
undocumented and produces the same non-behavior on the working server.


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