We have two tape drives, one big and one small.  We'd like to be able to
use them both to back up the same set of stuff, but full dumps will not
fit on the small tapes.

My current plan is to create two configurations, "Daily" and "Weekly".

"Daily" will run daily, and dump with "strategy nofull" to the small

"Weekly" will run weekly, with a short dumpcycle (to force frequent full
dumps) to the large tapes.

I realize this contravenes the Amanda philosophy that "you shouldn't care
when the fulls and incrementals happen", and seems like a reversion to
traditional schemes.  But I don't see a better way to do it.

This makes recovery slightly more awkward, as you must decide which set
(or both) to recover from, but it still seems to work.

Does anyone see any other problems with this, or know a better way to
handle the situation?

Nate Eldredge
HMC CS Staff

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