>Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 18:42:16 -0500
>From: "John R. Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>How do I know how many dumpers are active?  ...

>Amanda will start the number you tell it to.

Up to MAX_DUMPERS (which in my copy of server-src/driverio.c is 63).

>The real question is,
>how well are they being used.  The easiest way to tell is with amstatus.
>In particular, running it against a completed amdump.<nn> file.

amplot is handy for this, as well (and for checking on various resource
constraints in general).

>For instance, I have this as part of my "run-amanda" script right
>after amdump (the syntax may be different at 2.4.1p1 -- I forget):

>  amstatus ${config} --summary --file amdump.1

>Since the most recent amdump.<nn> file is always amdump.1, this gives
>me a summary of what happened during this run.

>Part of the output looks like this (although I just noticed it's broken
>with 2.4.2 -- sigh :-):

(What's "broken" about it...?)

David Wolfskill      [EMAIL PROTECTED]   UNIX System Administrator
Desk: 650/577-7158   TIE: 8/499-7158   Cell: 650/759-0823

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