"John R. Jackson" wrote:

> >Load tape DEIMOS02 now
> >Continue? [Y/n]:
> > timeout waiting for amrestore
> >increase READ_TIMEOUT in recover-src/extract_list.c if your tape is slow
> >amrecover: error reading tape: Success
> >extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1
> >Continue? [Y/n]:
> >
> >
> >On the /tmp/amanda/amidxtaped.debug I get:
> >...
> >amrestore:  57: skipping deimos.sinectis.com.ar._websp_a.20001107.0
> >amrestore:  58: restoring deimos.sinectis.com.ar._websp_m.20001107.0
> >Error 32 (Broken pipe) offset 0+32768, wrote 0
> >amrestore: pipe reader has quit in middle of file.
> >amrestore: skipping ahead to start of next file, please wait...
> >amidxtaped: amrestore terminated normally with status: 2
> >Rewinding tape: done
> >amidxtaped: pid 20634 finish time Fri Nov 10 09:43:24 2000
> >
> >
> >My question is: What pipe got broken?  ...
> Amrecover has a network connection (pipe) to amidxtaped to read the image
> amrestore is getting from tape.  When amrecover got tired of waiting, it
> closed down its end which propogated back to amrestore as a broken pipe.
> >How do I solve this?  ...
> Did it take a long time between answering "yes" (hitting CR) to the
> "Continue?" message and seeing the error?  Like 30 minutes?

It took a while, but I think it was by far less than 30 minutes (it took about 5

> My first suggestion would be that you find out what file on the tape you
> need to access.  That can be done with "amadmin <config> find ..." or
> (I think) the "history" command in amrecover or by amtoc, etc.  Then,
> when amrecover asks you to load a tape, not only should you put the
> tape in the drive but go ahead and "mt fsf <nn>" it to the proper file.
> That will probably significantly speed up restores and might get past
> the timeout problem.

OK, I will try this.  Thank you very much,

> >Gonzalo Arana
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gonzalo Arana

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