>From: Thorsten Flick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date:  Thu, 16 Nov 2000 16:37:49 +0100

>DNS is running well. and i administer it for myself.

Good -- reducing the effects of "middlemen" helps get work done.  :-}

>> [stuff about gethostbyname() & gethostbyaddr()...]

>Ok, i will test this. But, did nslookup not use them ?

I'm pretty sure that all (UNIX) versions of nslookup uses gethostbyname();
I'm less confident about their use of gethostbyaddr().  (I'm pretty sure
that there have been some versions of nslookup that would try to do a
gethostbyname() using an IP address as an argument, if you gave it an IP
address.  But the machine I have where that was likely the case stopped
working a few months ago, and I don't have the time to get a Sun 3/60 running
again... and I'm digressing.  For those versions of nslookup, it was
generally necessary to feed it something of the form
ddd.ccc.bbb.aaa.in-addr.arpa (assuming an IP address "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd").)

For the past few years, I've found the "host" command more useful for
diagnosing DNS issues.  There's also DiG, but I confess I haven't got
around to learning how to use it -- host does enough for nearly all of
my needs (and it's shorter to type than "nslookup" :-) -- though not as
short as "dig").  In any case, "host" will perform a gethostbyaddr() if
you give it a normal IP address:

pau-amma[1]: host www.sun.com
www.sun.com has address
pau-amma[2]: host domain name pointer www.sun.com

(The "nslookup", "host", and "dig" commands I'm using are all part of the
BIND 8.x distribution from ftp.isc.org.)

>Thnx for your answer ...

Glad to help,
David Wolfskill      [EMAIL PROTECTED]   UNIX System Administrator
Desk: 650/577-7158   TIE: 8/499-7158   Cell: 650/759-0823

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