On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Denise Ives wrote:

>I forced a level 0 dump and left the tape out of the tape drive - as you
>all know amanda failed to dump because of a tape error. Why didn't
>amanda put the dump image into the holding disk? Is this expected

Yes, this is expected behavior given the default settings in the
amanda.conf file.

>pondering sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s7... next_level0 -7 last_level -1
>(due for level 0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
>  curr level 0 size 3444532 total size 3444928 total_lev0 3444532
>balanced-lev0size 430566

Amanda has never seen this disk before.  You can't take an
incremental dump of a new disk, you can only take a full dump.
(Incrementals are, by definition, files which changed since a previous
full dump. So if there is no full dump to refer to, an incremental dump
is impossible.)

>driver: adding holding disk 0 dir /dump/amanda size 10932533
>reserving 10932533 out of 10932533 for degraded-mode dumps

Your amanda.conf file has told amanda to reserve 100% of the disk 
to degraded incrementals.  Because Amanda needs to take full dumps
first, and all of the holding disk is reserved for degraded
incrementals, there is no space on the disk available for non-degraded
full dumps.

Edit your amanda.conf file to say something like "reserve 10".

Joi Ellis
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.visi.com/~gyles19/

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