I followed John Jackson's advice, and attempted to generate the report manually,
with the command, executed from /usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/
amreport DailySet1 log/log.20001130.0

What resulted were these errors:

/var: write failed, file system is full
postdrop: fatal: uid=2: queue file write error
send-mail: fatal: operator(2): error writing queue file: Broken pipe

While I ran it, though, I watched my /var partition, and it didn't seem to
change. I could have missed it though, especially if it tried to write a big
file all at once. Does anyone know which subdirectory under /var amreport might
be using? I'll make a symbolic link of this spot over to another disk that has
60 gigs of free space... that's what I did when amanda filled up my /tmp

Eric Wadsworth                        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Conceptual Systems and Software       http://www.consys.com

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