> Thanks.  I'd be interested in taking a look at whatever Amanda needs to
> stay up to speed with other backup product.

Funny, I was just making a list of Amanda's strengths and weaknesses
(according to MHO), while preparing for my LISA talk on Tuesday.

In the minus column I have:

        - Windows support (smbtar) is currently a kludge,;
                native client in development  [is this true?]
        - no Mac support  - but OS X is coming
        - no tape spanning  - in development
        - no tape appending  - in development

I have lots of things in the plus column, most of which are strengths
by comparison to AFS backup.  A few of generic relevence are:

        - freeware, open source
        - tapes are in 'native' format, can always be read even in the
        absence of an Amanda installation


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