>amandad: error receiving message: Connection refused

This message happens two places in amandad, both right after doing
a dgram_recv.  That function, in turn, calls select() and recvfrom(),
and those are the **only** two things it calls.  According to my Solaris
man pages, ECONNREFUSED is not one of the error codes they can return.

So the first question is, what OS are you using?  The second is, in
the man pages you have for select (the system call) and recvfrom, what
can cause ECONNREFUSED?  If nothing is listed, I'd start asking your
OS folks what's up with their documentation and while they're at it,
what can cause the error.

If you want to narrow it down a bit, add a couple of dbprintf calls in
dgram_recv to see which call is doing the deed.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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