Hello everyone!

I am a bit confused about the usage of Amanda together with Macs.
The archive say, it should work, but backupcentral.com/amanda says,
there is no support for Macs.
What is right and how to get it work?

Thanks in advance,


P.S. I posted the output of tapetype to the Faq-o-matic (I hate this
thing!), which seems to be a mistake!
I post it again here. May someone correct my posting there?
I just run tapetype on a HP COLORADO 2.5/5GB. Somewhat old and
boring piece of hardware but maybe it helps someone..... Hope I did
it ok, cause I am really new to amanda!
devel2:/test/home/lox/amanda-2.4.2/tape-src # ./tapetype -t 'HP
COLORADO 2.5/5' -f /dev/nst0 
wrote 78807 32Kb blocks in 241 files in 4902 seconds
(short write) wrote 70253 32Kb blocks in 431 files in 4674 seconds 
(short write) define tapetype HP COLORADO 2.5/5 { 

          comment "just produced by tapetype program"
          length 2801 mbytes
          filemark 1440 kbytes
          speed 497 kps

devel2:/test/home/lox/amanda-2.4.2/tape-src #

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