Denise Ives wrote:
> My holding disk was flushed to tape (daily000) on Friday the 8th and I
> force a full dump to tape (daily001) on the 9th. No Amanda Mail Report was
> generated. Sda10 failed on Friday's full dump. Finally, my Sunday Am and
> Monday AM dumps did not run ans a message to 'run amflush' was generated.
> Does any one know why that is - I am going to run amflush now.

For some reason, sda10 failed to send the dumps:

> admin1.cor sda10 RESULTS MISSING

Then, for some also unknown reason, AMANDA did not send you a report,
meaning that she didn't finish (properly). This left some files (e.g.
the file "log") in the logdir directory. 

> amdump: amdump or amflush is already running, or you must run amcleanup

The next time amdump ran, found the "log" file and refused to run.

Solution: Run amcleanup _and_ investigate why sda10 failed to send the

I consider this a rather normal situation: clients go down and
connections are lost from time to time and this happens mostly on
weekends, when they run unattended and we need some rest (Murphy's law
;-) ).


Chris Karakas
Don´t waste your cpu time - crack rc5:

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