Hi Chris - thank you for the response.

In this particular amdump log file and only in this amdump log file
I saw the no-diskspace for each partition but the thing it only sda10
failed here. That was what the AMANDA MAIL Report showed, amstatus showed
and I also ran amverify against the tape - to see if the results were
consistant and they were. I also removed the 'force full' flag from sda10
and ran amdump just for that partition to the holding disk. It ran fine
and the Amanda Mail report showed sent a message saying sda20 did a level
2 backed-up. But here is the kicker - I just tried to amflush this back-up
and a previous back-up image to tape and just then I got a cruft error
message. The media seems to have some data written on it but yet the
holding disk (/dump) still has the 2 backup images in it. 

I have no idea what is going on with amanda now - or how to remove these 2
back-up images from the holding disk.

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, Chris Karakas wrote:

> Denise Ives wrote:
> > 
> > driver: state time 3104.913 free kps: 15400 space: 4837972 taper: writing
> > idle-dumpers: 4 qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 1 stoppedq: 0 wakeup: 86400
> > driver-idle: no-diskspace
>                ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> It just caught my attention: "no-diskspace". 

Denise E. Ives                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Engineer                        734.822.2037

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