"John R. Jackson" wrote:
> So are you saying you just did a cp of the holding disk file to the
> MO disk? If so, then the MO must have a normal Unix file system on it
> and the dd should have worked, assuming the cp worked. I'd start by
> comparing the original and the copy, first by length (ls -l) and then
> by bytes (cmp).
I have checked again. The bug was something simpler - but not less
I use my newly created gtar-wrapper script (with your help for passing
parameters to tar :-) ). There, at one place I had:
print "$PN: running $GTAR $@"
instead of
print "$PN: running $GTAR $@" >> $log
The poor script could not do otherwise than to print the line to stdout,
which means in the middle of the pipe which builds the files! A simple
grep on the files has verified this. After correcting this, I can read
the files on the holding disk with
dd if=<file> bs=32k skip=1 | gzip -dc | tar -tf -
without problems. Thanks for your patience :-)
PS: Once I was scared by all this dd stuff. By now I have typed the
above pipe so many times, that it seems to me the simplest thing to do
when desaster strikes - and in fact it is, isn't it? Just for fun, I
plan to insert sed in the pipe, to get rid of the extra "running..."
line in the corrupted files :-)
Chris Karakas
Don´t waste your cpu time - crack rc5: http://www.distributed.net