
I have some Problems with chg-scsi. My machine is a Sun Ultra1 with
Solaris 2.6. The Library is an Oveland-LXB Loader.

This time I got a different error message when running chg-scsi -reset:

DeviceCapabilitiesPage == NULL

Amanda runs already with root-permissons and I use the modified verion of

What does "ioctl on 4 failed, errno 5, ret -1"

In the Attachment is the chg-scsi.debug-file.

Any idea what's wrong?



|  Alexander Schubert                 |
|  phone:                             |
|    office: +49 / (0) 5251 / 603318  |
|    private:+49 / (0) 5259 / 932181  |
|  call:  +49 / (0) 173  / 5273184    |
|  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |

chg-scsi: debug 1 pid 14465 ruid 0 euid 0 start time Thu Dec 28 12:59:34 2000
ARG [0] : /usr/local/libexec/amanda/chg-scsi
ARG [1] : -reset
Number of configurations: 1
Tapes need eject: No
Tapes need sleep: 60 seconds
Cleancycles     : 10
Changerdevice   : /dev/rsst6
Labelfile       : /etc/amanda/daily/labelfile
Tapeconfig Nr: 0
  Drivenumber   : 0
  Startslot     : 0
  Endslot       : 9
  Cleanslot     : -1
  Devicename    : /dev/rmt/4hbn
  changerident  : none
  SCSITapedev   : none
  tapeident     : none
  statfile      : /etc/amanda/daily/tape0-status
  Slotfile      : /etc/amanda/daily/tape0-slot
  Cleanfile     : /etc/amanda/daily/tape0-clean
  Usagecount    : /etc/amanda/daily/totaltime
##### START OpenDevice
OpenDevice : /dev/rsst6
##### START SCSI_Inquiry
SCSI_Inquiry start length = 56:
##### START DecodeSCSI
SCSI_ExecuteCommand :  INQUIRY 12 00 00 00 38 00
##### STOP DecodeSCSI
08 80 4A 02 33 00 00 30 4F 56 45 52 4C 41 4E 44    ..J.3..0OVERLAND
4C 58 42 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20    LXB.............
30 34 30 39 32 32 2D 4D 61 72 2D 39 39 00 00 00    040922.Mar.99...
00 00 00 00 0E 01 02 00 
SCSI_Inquiry : end 0
##### START PrintInquiry
qualifier       0
type            8
data_format     2
ansi_version    2
ecma_version    1
iso_version     1
type_modifier   0
removable       1
vendor_info     OVERLAND
prod_ident      LXB             
prod_version    0409
vendor_specific 22-Mar-99
using ident = generic, type = Generic driver tape/robot [generic]
##### START OpenDevice
OpenDevice : /dev/rmt/4hbn
##### START SCSI_Inquiry
SCSI_Inquiry start length = 56:
##### START DecodeSCSI
SCSI_ExecuteCommand :  INQUIRY 12 00 00 00 38 00
##### STOP DecodeSCSI
01 80 02 02 33 00 00 38 51 55 41 4E 54 55 4D 20    ....3..8QUANTUM.
44 4C 54 37 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20    DLT7000.........
32 30 34 42 71 4B 00 07 29 12 01 00 00 2D 00 00    204BqK..........
00 00 00 02 41 30 30 32 
SCSI_Inquiry : end 0
##### START PrintInquiry
qualifier       0
type            1
data_format     2
ansi_version    2
ecma_version    0
iso_version     0
type_modifier   0
removable       1
vendor_info     QUANTUM 
prod_ident      DLT7000         
prod_version    204B
vendor_specific qK
using ident = DLT7000, type = DLT Tape [DLT7000]
###### START get_drive_count
get_drive_count      : fd 4
##### START GenericElementStatus
##### START SCSI_ModeSense
SCSI_ModeSense start length = 255:
##### START DecodeSCSI
SCSI_ExecuteCommand :  MODE SENSE 1A 08 3F 00 FF 00
##### STOP DecodeSCSI
ioctl on 4 failed, errno 5, ret -1
##### START RequestSense
##### START DecodeSCSI
SCSI_ExecuteCommand :  REQUEST SENSE 03 00 00 00 1D 00
##### STOP DecodeSCSI
ioctl on 4 failed, errno 5, ret -1
##### START RequestSense
##### START DecodeSCSI
SCSI_ExecuteCommand :  REQUEST SENSE 03 00 00 00 1D 00
##### STOP DecodeSCSI
ioctl on 4 failed, errno 5, ret -1
##### START RequestSense
##### START DecodeExtSense
SCSI_ExecuteCommand:Extended Sense
##### START DecodeSense
SCSI_ExecuteCommand:Sense Keys
        ErrorCode                     00
        Valid                         0
        ASC                           00
        ASCQ                          00
        Sense key                     00
                No Sense
        Log Parameter Page Code         00
        Log Parameter Code              00
        Underrun/Overrun Counter        00
        Read/Write Error Counter        0
        Remaing 1024 byte tape blocks   0
        Tracking Retry Counter          00
        Read/Write Retry Counter        00
        Fault Sympton Code              00
##### START DecodeExtSense
SCSI_ExecuteCommand:Extended Sense
##### START DecodeSense
SCSI_ExecuteCommand:Sense Keys
        ErrorCode                     70
        Valid                         0
        ASC                           00
        ASCQ                          00
        Sense key                     00
                No Sense
        Log Parameter Page Code         00
        Log Parameter Code              00
        Underrun/Overrun Counter        00
        Read/Write Error Counter        0
        Remaing 1024 byte tape blocks   0
        Tracking Retry Counter          00
        Read/Write Retry Counter        00
        Fault Sympton Code              00
##### START DecodeExtSense
SCSI_ExecuteCommand:Extended Sense
##### START DecodeSense
SCSI_ExecuteCommand:Sense Keys
        ErrorCode                     70
        Valid                         0
        ASC                           00
        ASCQ                          00
        Sense key                     00
                No Sense
        Log Parameter Page Code         00
        Log Parameter Code              00
        Underrun/Overrun Counter        00
        Read/Write Error Counter        0
        Remaing 1024 byte tape blocks   0
        Tracking Retry Counter          00
        Read/Write Retry Counter        00
        Fault Sympton Code              00
##### START BarCode
BarCode              : fd 4
Ident = [LXB], function = [generic]
##### START NoBarCode
##### START SCSI_ReadElementStatus
##### START DecodeSCSI
SCSI_ExecuteCommand :  READ ELEMENT STATUS B8 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 08 00 00
##### STOP DecodeSCSI
SCSI_ReadElementStatus : (1) SCSI_ExecuteCommand 0
SCSI_ReadElementStatus: DataBufferLength E0, ret 0
00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 D8 
##### START DecodeSCSI
SCSI_ExecuteCommand :  READ ELEMENT STATUS B8 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 E0 00 00
##### STOP DecodeSCSI
SCSI_ReadElementStatus : (2) SCSI_ExecuteCommand 0
00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 D8 01 00 00 10 00 00 00 10    ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    ................
02 00 00 10 00 00 00 A0 00 01 09 00 00 00 00 00    ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 09 00 00 00 00 00    ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 09 00 00 00 00 00    ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 09 00 00 00 00 00    ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 09 00 00 00 00 00    ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 09 00 00 00 00 00    ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 09 00 00 00 00 00    ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 09 00 00 00 00 00    ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 09 00 00 00 00 00    ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 09 00 00 00 00 00    ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 10 00 00 00 10    ................
00 F0 08 00 00 00 30 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    ......0.........

        Media Transport Elements (robot arms) :
                Element #0000 E
                        EXCEPT = 00
                        ASC = 00 ASCQ = 00
                        Type 1 From = -001
                        TAG = 

        Storage Elements (Media slots) :
                Element #0001 F
                        EXCEPT = 00
                        ASC = 00 ASCQ = 00
                        Type 2 From = -001
                        TAG = 
                Element #0002 F
                        EXCEPT = 00
                        ASC = 00 ASCQ = 00
                        Type 2 From = -001
                        TAG = 
                Element #0003 F
                        EXCEPT = 00
                        ASC = 00 ASCQ = 00
                        Type 2 From = -001
                        TAG = 
                Element #0004 F
                        EXCEPT = 00
                        ASC = 00 ASCQ = 00
                        Type 2 From = -001
                        TAG = 
                Element #0005 F
                        EXCEPT = 00
                        ASC = 00 ASCQ = 00
                        Type 2 From = -001
                        TAG = 
                Element #0006 F
                        EXCEPT = 00
                        ASC = 00 ASCQ = 00
                        Type 2 From = -001
                        TAG = 
                Element #0007 F
                        EXCEPT = 00
                        ASC = 00 ASCQ = 00
                        Type 2 From = -001
                        TAG = 
                Element #0008 F
                        EXCEPT = 00
                        ASC = 00 ASCQ = 00
                        Type 2 From = -001
                        TAG = 
                Element #0009 F
                        EXCEPT = 00
                        ASC = 00 ASCQ = 00
                        Type 2 From = -001
                        TAG = 
                Element #0010 F
                        EXCEPT = 00
                        ASC = 00 ASCQ = 00
                        Type 2 From = -001
                        TAG = 

        Data Transfer Elements (tape drives) :
                Element #0240 E
                        EXCEPT = 00
                        ASC = 00 ASCQ = 00
                        Type 4 From = -001
                        TAG = 
                        SCSI ADDRESS = 4

        Import/Export Elements  :
###### START drive_loaded
drive_loaded         : fd 4 drivenum 0 
##### START isempty
##### STOP isempty [0]
###### START load
load                 : fd 4, drive 0, slot 0 
load : load drive 0[240] slot 0[1]
##### START GenericMove
GenericMove          : from = 1, to = 240
##### START LogSense
##### START SCSI_TestUnitReady
##### START DecodeSCSI
SCSI_ExecuteCommand :  TEST UNIT READY 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### STOP DecodeSCSI
ioctl on 5 failed, errno 5, ret -1
##### START RequestSense
##### START DecodeSCSI
SCSI_ExecuteCommand :  REQUEST SENSE 03 00 00 00 1D 00
##### STOP DecodeSCSI
##### START DecodeExtSense
SCSI_ExecuteCommand:Extended Sense
##### START DecodeSense
SCSI_ExecuteCommand:Sense Keys
        ErrorCode                     70
        Valid                         0
        ASC                           00
        ASCQ                          00
        Sense key                     00
                No Sense
        Log Parameter Page Code         00
        Log Parameter Code              00
        Underrun/Overrun Counter        00
        Read/Write Error Counter        -126
        Remaing 1024 byte tape blocks   -2560
        Tracking Retry Counter          00
        Read/Write Retry Counter        00
        Fault Sympton Code              00
##### START DecodeSense
LogSense :Sense Keys
        ErrorCode                     70
        Valid                         0
        ASC                           3A
        ASCQ                          00
        Sense key                     02
                Not Ready
LogSense : Tape_Ready failed
##### START LookupElement
##### STOP LookupElement (STE)
##### START LookupElement
##### STOP LookupElement (DTE)
CheckMove : pDeviceCapabilitiesPage == NULLChgExit in CheckMove, reason 
DeviceCapabilitiesPage == NULL

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