On Thu, 28 Dec 2000, KEVIN ZEMBOWER wrote:

> How can I tell whether anything good is happening with my amanda backup? I'm new to 
>amanda and trying to get it working on a system that I suspect has never been backed 
>up. (I see messages in amdump like "isgadmin:/dev/hda1 overdue 11318 days for level 
>0.") My tapelist shows:


The first thing to run when setting up a new amanda config is amcheck.
Amcheck will help you to debug most configuration errors before you
proceed to amdump.  Once you've gotten your config debugged and are
ready to move on to a daily run it's still a good idea to run "amcheck -m"
on a daily basis to make sure everything is still right.

My advise at this point is to kill any amanda processes running on your
server and all clients and then run "amcheck daily" to see what things
need attention first.  After you've taken care of the problems amcheck
flags, there will be fewer if any left to track down from the amdump


P.S.  Please put carriage returns (enter key) in your e-mail messages
to break up lines to something less than 80 characters each.  This will
make your messages legible to far more people.  Thanks.

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