your drive is a DDS-2 tapedrive,
and the tapetype depends on the length of your tape's.
you'll have to create your own tapetype.
for 120meter tapes it has a capacity of aprox 4 GB (i use 3800Mb) of
for  90meter tapes i use 1900 Mb and 
for  60meter tapes i use  950 Mb.
and the device to use should be /dev/nst0
hope it helps

Takayuki Murai schrieb:
> Hello again,
> I have SONY SDT-7000 DAT drive.
> tapetype ????              # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)
> tapedev "/dev/????"     # the no-rewind tape device to be used
> I could not find in part of 'tapetypes' on amanda.conf.

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