Wed Jan 17 23:57:38 EST 2001

Hi All,

We have been using amanda for years and are very happy with it. We
recently purchased a new machine whose only purpose was to be a backup
server. We purchased a lot of hard disk space with the hope of storing
a weeks worth of backups on the machine, as well as going nightly to
tape. This would allow us to do restores for data lost during the week
(We have a 7 day dumpcycle) without having to retrieve the tapes from
off-site. Great plan, but currently not possible (as far as I know)
with amanda. 

Hence we came up with a neat plan to monitor the amdump log file and once
the dump of one filesystem started our script would spawn a monitor
process to wait until the dump was complete, as soon as it was done,
it would copy the file from the holding disk into our weekly archive area.

Not being C coders, this is implemented in perl, hence I am worried of
the race condition where the file is dumped and removed from the
holding disk before we get a chance to copy it over.

Does anyone out there have a C hack that can do this? If anyone is
interested in having a look at the perl code (Its not brilliant, or
efficient, but it does the job) I would be happy to show it to those
interested. Any FreeBSD users know of a hack using kqueue?

Any other info would be appreciated.


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