>... is there ayway to find out
>if amverify was hung or if it was just taking a long time to do its thing?

Look for blinking lights on the drive is the first thing that pops to
mind :-).

Next, I'd get a ps listing of what was running, "ps -fu <amanda-user>".
If you see it sitting on "sleep" repeatedly with no more output, it's
probably hung waiting on the drive to go ready or something like that.
If it's sitting on GNU tar or dd, it's probably skipping though an image
(i.e. doing what it's supposed to).

Next, I'd get "lsof":


This will let you see what offset various file descriptors are at (among
a bajillion other things), so you can run it on whatever processes have
the tape open and see if they are moving.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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