On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Bruce Ferrell wrote:

> Looks like the network dropped out

No, that's not the case. The same behaviour happens consistantly all
the time, only with that computer (not the other 5 which are on the
same hub which can access the network fine (it's running a mail
server, httpd, ssh server).
        Lately what happend was something even more interesting: I had
a dump of like 5-6 machines and when it got to the funny one (the one
running linux which doesn't behave) it started dumping (or so it sayd)
and the amanda server kept waiting and waiting. I let it sit there for
a day or so. The client had sendbackup running as a process and all
the other amanda processes as if it was backing up properly, but it
was stalled. I had to manually kill sendbackup on that client in order
for the rest of the disklist to continue it's backup.
        I will do some more debugging... In the meanwhile, if nobody
can figure out what it is, I would also appreciate advice on what info
to gather, so that you can better help debug.

> Tony Magni wrote:
> > Again, only on one of my linux boxes, amcheck returns no erros, file
> > size estimation goes all well. Backup starts, then hangs (just for the
> > one computer). I can backup the /boot partition fine (it's only a few
> > megs), but not the / and /home. I get strangenesses from sendbackup:
> >
> > /-- myhostname  /dev/sda2 lev 0 FAILED [data timeout]
> > ? dumper: strange [missing size line from sendbackup]
> > ? dumper: strange [missing end line from sendbackup]
> > \--------
> >
> > and:
> >
> > /-- myhostname  /home lev 0 FAILED [data timeout]
> > sendbackup: start [discordia:/home level 0]
> > sendbackup: info BACKUP=/sbin/dump
> > sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/gzip -dc |/sbin/restore -f... -
> > sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
> > sendbackup: info end
> > |   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Sun Jan 14 21:31:56 2001
> > |   DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
> > |   DUMP: Dumping /dev/sdb1 (/home) to standard output
> > |   DUMP: Label: none
> > |   DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
> > |   DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
> > |   DUMP: estimated 3704606 tape blocks.
> > |   DUMP: Volume 1 started at: Sun Jan 14 21:32:41 2001
> > |   DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
> > |   DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
> > \--------
> >
> > To me it seems like dump is doing a good job. Also this from
> > /tmp/amanda/amanda.debug: all seems well up until here:
> >
> > amandahosts security check passed
> > amandad: running service "/usr/lib/amanda/sendbackup"
> > amandad: sending REP packet:
> > ----
> > Amanda 2.4 REP HANDLE 000-38D00508 SEQ 979605303
> > CONNECT DATA 3041 MESG 3042 INDEX 3043
> > OPTIONS ;compress-fast;bsd-auth;index;
> > ----
> >
> > amandad: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
> > amandad: got ack:
> > ----
> > Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-38D00508 SEQ 979605303
> > ----
> >
> > amandad: pid 31153 finish time Mon Jan 15 20:02:05 2001
> >
> > Where it had to retry to get ack. but then in sendbackup.debug:
> >
> > sendbackup: started index creator: "/sbin/restore -tvf - 2>&1 | sed -e '
> > s/^leaf[        ]*[0-9]*[       ]*\.//
> > t
> > /^dir[  ]/ {
> > s/^dir[         ]*[0-9]*[       ]*\.//
> > s%$%/%
> > t
> > }
> > d
> > '"
> > index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
> >
> > And I get [data timeout] as output of amstatus.
> >
> > Ideas?
> >
> > Thank you for your support. Let me know if any of these questions are
> > worth posting on the newsgroup. I don't post there, since I am not
> > sure if these are common knowledge questions or not, although I have
> > not found the answer anywhere.
> >
> > --
> > Tony Magni
> > Department of Neurological Surgery
> > University Hospitals of Cleveland
> > (216)844-1306, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> > http://discordia.cwru.edu/tinton/
> >
> >  - "I know Cleveland: I spent a year there one night!"
> >                               (Bill, San Francisco, 1994)

Tony Magni
Department of Neurological Surgery
University Hospitals of Cleveland
(216)844-1306, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 

 - "I know Cleveland: I spent a year there one night!"
                              (Bill, San Francisco, 1994)

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