>(gdb) print version_info[21]
>$2 = 0x2 <Address 0x2 out of bounds>

No kidding!

>Hmmmm, gcc version 2.8.1 is what I am using...

Me, too, but on Solaris 2.6.

I don't think this would matter, but what do you get when you run
"gcc -v"?  Was it built for the OS version you have (2.7, as I recall)?

The only things I can think of to try at this point are a complete rebuild
of Amanda (blow away all traces of the build area you used before),
or upgrading to the latest gcc and building that for the specific host,
or making sure you have all the latest Solaris patches.


You didn't do anything odd during the "make install" that would cause
it to get an incorrect shared library copy, did you (again, based on
output you've sent, I doubt this)?

You could also try a build using --disable-shared to take shared libraries
out of the list of variables.  Of course, that may only hide the problem.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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