
Not using amadmin or amlabel...

yep - I meant the setuid bit :o) (told you the dumb stick had already been

amdump.1 looks like:
-rw-------    1 operator root         8131 Feb  1 02:49 amdump.1

operator is the amanda user

taper looks like:
-rwxr-x---    1 root     disk        32767 Aug 21 10:34 taper

 -rwxr-x---    1 root     disk         3277 Aug 21 10:34 amdump

Digging through a working config we run here, and looking at the one in
question, I think it's a mix of screwy setuid bits, wrong user ownership of
files. So operator.disk now owns all of the files except for the ones that
are setuid root.

Will see how it goes tonight...



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