
 i am using amanda2.4.2 on a Linux Suse7.0 system. (amanda is compiled by 
hand, no rpm)

I am now trying to get my Faststor DL4000 7-tapes-changer to work.

I am using chg-zd-mtx. But i am still having problems like...

tux06:/tmp/amanda # tail -f changer.debug
Args -> -info
     -> info   1
Args -> -slot current
     -> loaded 1
Args -> -slot next
     -> loaded 1
Args -> -slot clean
     -> loaded 1
     -> load   7
     -> status 1
     -> res    mtx: Storage Element 7 is Empty
     -> load   2
     -> status 0
     -> res    Loading Storage Element 2 into Data Transfer Element...done
     -> rew 2
/bin/dd: /dev/nst0: Input/output error
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
Args -> -slot next
     -> loaded 2
     -> unload 2
     -> status 1
     -> res    Unloading Data Transfer Element into Storage Element 2...mtx: 
Request Sense: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 3B 90 00 00 00 56 00 00

I changed chg-zd-mtx with $MT $MTF $tape offline calls in front of any $MTX 
call, as the Changer was blocking the mtx-commands otherwise

tux06:/tmp/amanda # mtx -f /dev/sg1 inquiry
Vendor ID: 'ADIC    ', Product ID: 'FastStor DLT    ', Revision: '0119'

Any comments?

Martin Koch                          Systemadministration

MOSAIC SOFTWARE AG    Feldstrasse 8     D-53340 Meckenheim
Tel. 02225/882-0                       Fax. 02225/882-201

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