>i did a modification in the amstatus script, it looked for amdump file by
>default, but amanda creates amdump.1, as the newer file, so if i typed 
>amstatus Diario, (Diario is where i have the amanda.conf), it said that the
>$logdir/amdum doesn't exist, so you had to type the commad with the file

The amstatus command is normally used while amdump is running to
find out how far along it is, so going after "amdump" is probably the
right default.  I doubt if many people (although I'm one of them) use
it to post-process a completed run.  It seems to me that adding "--file
amdump.1" to the command line is reasonable requirement to do this.

You do realize you only have to enter "amdump.1", not the full path to
the file, right?

Of course, one of the beauties of open source is that if you disagree,
you're free to make it do whatever you want :-).

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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