I've been meaning to submit this for about two years.. it's probably
not as useful anymore, but who knows.

When we set up Amanda here, ISTR we couldn't get the chg-scsi thing to
work happily with our FreeBSD systems and an Exabyte EHB-10h.  So I
threw together a Perl module and changer script to do the job.  It's
been taking care of our daily backups since April '99.

Maybe someone else having trouble with the changer stuff will be able
to use it, or at least bend it to their needs.  I find straightforward
Perl easier to modify than a complicated C program slinging pointers
around and core dumping.

It can be found at:


Enjoy, and thanks to the Amanda team for a really impressive piece of
Christopher Masto         Senior Network Monkey      NetMonger Communications
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        [EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://www.netmonger.net

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