i think you expect amanda to put backups of multiple days on one tape,
do you?
if this is true you are completley wrong.
Amanda needs one tape for every day's backup, no matter how many data
you backup.
(at least if you don`t patch it to append to tapes, 
 there is a patch for doing that flowting around, but don't ask me
if you want to have a history of, lets say, 5 days, you have to use at 
least 5 tapes for your backupcycle.
Hope it clarifys things a bit.

Adolfo Pachón schrieb:
> Hi all
> My system is an amanda2.4.2pl with an HP COLORADO 4/8 GB IDE (working with
> ide-scsi module). The backups are daily, with only one tape, for the moment.
> The daily amount data average of entire backup is 400 MB. I'm doing copies
> for the linux server and the windows clients, via Samba. I use "GNUTAR" to
> do the backups.
> The system seems to say to me that it have no space available in the tape,
> and because of this, it is overwritten. It's impossible, because It's
> working since 5 days ago.
> The system says:
>   planner: Last full dump of server:/home on tape Diaria-000 overwritten on
> this run.
>   planner: Last full dump of server://javierpuech/Documentos on tape
> Diaria-000 overwritten on this run.
> I've only have index of the last date. I can´t recover data from other day.
> "setdate" says to me that it have no index for another day than the last.
> Can you help me?
> Thanks.
> (sorry for my poor english...)

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