>? gtar: ./var/log/messages: file changed as we read it
>? gtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
>sendbackup: error [/bin/tar returned 2]
>I have read old e-mails and people said things like they would roll their 
>logs first but why has this never come up before?

It has.  You can build Amanda with #define IGNORE_TAR_ERRORS and the error
will be ignored, but unfortunately so will most every other tar error.
It's too bad tar doesn't have a flag that enables certain errors to be
logged (which Amanda would note but not consider fatal) but not cause
a non-zero exit.

I suspect the way to do this with Amanda is, as you mentioned, make a
copy of the files that give grief before the run, exclude them from the
normal backup then remove the copy (that was static and did get backed
up) after the run.  You don't necessarily have to "roll" the file and
make a new live one.  It (the one that tar reads) just has to be quiet.

>Roger Haskins

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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