I'm in the last stage of testing a script I wrote to use a Scalar 100 with
Amanda.  I would assume the hardware will respond in a similar fashion.
I plan to post it to amanda-users tomorrow (need to comment some things better,
In the mean time, can you use the 'mtx status' program (ver. 1.2.10) and see 
if it shows output something like this:

[root@reubens /root]# mtx -f /dev/sg2 status
  Storage Changer /dev/sg2:2 Drives, 31 Slots ( 1 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Empty
Data Transfer Element 1:Empty
      Storage Element 1 IMPORT/EXPORT:Empty
      Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=000001
      Storage Element 3:Full :VolumeTag=000002
      Storage Element 4:Full :VolumeTag=000003
      Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=000004
      Storage Element 6:Full :VolumeTag=000005
      Storage Element 7:Full :VolumeTag=000006
      Storage Element 8:Full :VolumeTag=000007
      Storage Element 9:Full :VolumeTag=000008
      Storage Element 10:Empty
      Storage Element 11:Empty
      Storage Element 12:Empty
      Storage Element 13:Empty
      Storage Element 14:Empty
      Storage Element 15:Empty
      Storage Element 16:Empty
      Storage Element 17:Empty
      Storage Element 18:Empty
      Storage Element 19:Empty
      Storage Element 20:Empty
      Storage Element 21:Empty
      Storage Element 22:Empty
      Storage Element 23:Empty
      Storage Element 24:Empty
      Storage Element 25:Empty
      Storage Element 26:Empty
      Storage Element 27:Empty
      Storage Element 28:Empty
      Storage Element 29:Empty
      Storage Element 30:Empty
      Storage Element 31:Full :VolumeTag=000031

If it does, then hopefully with the chg-zd-mtx script I'm finishing up you will
have full barcode support.  That (and a >9 slot capacity) is what I had to 

Let me know what you find...

On Thu, 08 Feb 2001, Adrian Oneil wrote:

> Just wondering if anyone has ever used Amanda with Adic's Scalar 1000 unit.
> The Adic uses DLT 8000 tapes.  Server OS does not matter to me,  I can use
> whatever flavor of Unix
> -Adrian
   Jason Hollinden

   SMG Systems Admin

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