
 From amcheck:
        Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
ERROR: dev: [can not access /dev/root (/): No such file or directory]

 From disklist:
dev             /usr/local      my-type-inc
dev             /boot           my-type
dev             /               my-type-inc

define dumptype my-type {
         index yes
         record yes
         compress client fast
         priority high
         starttime 1
         dumpcycle 0
         maxdumps 2

define dumptype my-type-inc {
         index yes
         record yes
         compress client fast
         priority high
         starttime 1
         dumpcycle 7
         maxdumps 2

This happens on 2.4.2pl1 but not 2.4.2

System: Linux (RedHat 6.x)
amanda recompiled using redhat srpms from rawhide (devel) tree

I looked through some of the docs and past list posts, but didn't see 
any references to this.  Did I miss a conf change?



Christopher McCrory
"The guy that keeps the servers running"

"Linux: Because rebooting is for adding new hardware"

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