This is my latest update to chg-zd-mtx, and most likely my last, barring
any bugs in this one.  It incorporates all bugfixes posted to me in the last
week (thank you).


- moved 'all' user set variables to a separate config file called
  'changerfile'.conf.  By this, I mean if you have this in amanda.conf

        changerfile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/something"
  then your config file will be /etc/amanda/DailySet1/something.conf.  I
  have included mine ADIC.conf as an example of _all_ the variables that 
  are to be set in it.  Set up in amanda.conf has not changed.

- added a new internal variable:
        $drivenum - returns the /dev/nst# number.  Whould work with
                    other device names also.

The above 2 changes gives this chg-zd-mtx the ability to work on
multiple drives at the same time, instead of having multiple copies of
it for each Amanda config.


I don't believe it is a bug with this script, but rather amtape.  Some
times when running 'amtape update', it will cycle through the tapelist
multiple times.  I had this happen a few times before the above changes
also, but maybe only once or twice (I don't run update that often, since
30 DLT's take for ever.)  However, if someone sees what's causing it, I
appreciate it.

   Jason Hollinden

   SMG Systems Admin


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