>...When we run the command /usr/local/sbin/amcheck -m confname it
>is giving the following error:
>"/usr/local/etc/amanda/confname/amanda.conf",line 0:default tapetype EXABYTE
>not defined
>amcheck: could not find config file

Where did you put your amanda.conf file?  That directory is known as
the configuration directory and its name is the configuration name.

For instance, I have a configuration named "ICD".  So there is a directory
"/usr/local/etc/amanda/ICD/" and in there is the amanda.conf.

Typically you pick the configuration name ("ICD" in my case) to be
something with meaning to you.  Mine are based on the organizations here.
Other people use something like "Daily".  I doubt you want "confname".

Does that help?


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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