* John R. Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 07:39:49PM -0500)
>>I have a couple of machines that are slow and poorly connected to my
>>tape server.  In every instance, I happen to *know* that if these
>>machines were to appear first in the backup schedule, the backup would
>>finish more quickly.

>>Is there a way I can push them to the front?

> That's harder than you might think.

When I asked the same question, people suggested to stick a starttime entry
in the dumptypes for the backups I wanted to run later.

e.g. you're using comp-user-tar
and you have your backup starting at 20:00 (and you know you're estimate
phase doesn't take longer than 45 minutes)

make a new tapetype

define comp-user-tar-delayed {
    starttime 2100

and change disklist accordingly

myhost  disk1   comp-user-tar-delayed
myhost  disk2   comp-user-tar-delayed

myslowhow disk1 comp-user-tar

>   fortress.cc.purdue.edu / 1 \
>     0 1970:1:1:0:0:0  597618 182 \
>     1 2001:2:12:4:43:9 24681  35

> The first three fields say this is a dump of "/" on fortress.cc and
> if we have to drop into degraded mode, the priority should be "1".
> Note that "priority" is only used in degraded mode -- don't get your
> hopes up for an easy fix :-).

Wouldn't it be easer to (try and) change the code to use this priority
field also for normal operation ?

There are of course 2 problems with that:

1) it would change existing functionality, and so people might need to
   readjust there tapetypes/disklists 

2) Someone needs to implement it ;)

Kind regards,
Gerhard den Hollander                           Phone +31-10.280.1515
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