>ERROR: /dev/nst0: Permission denied

Did you run amcheck as the Amanda user?  What is the Amanda user?
What groups is it a member of?

What are the modes and ownership on /dev/nst0?

>ERROR: localhost: [access as amanda not allowed from amanda@localhost]

Are you using .rhosts or .amandahosts (amadmin xx version | grep HOSTS)?

What is the home directory for "amanda"?  Does it have access to it
(some RH installations put it under another directory without world
search access -- sigh).

Do you have a file in ~amanda named .amandahosts (or .rhosts)?  Does
it contain this line:

  localhost     amanda

>ERROR: plath.knox.net: [can not access /dev/sda1 (/): Permission denied]

Same questions as the tape drive.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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