I apologize, I overlooked the docs/SAMBA!

Thank you for taking the time to reply to a documented change.  And thank you 
for doing it in such a timely manner (I was about to start hacking through 
code as a last resort).  You have probably prevented me from aiming at my 

Thanks again,


>===== Original Message From Todd Pfaff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>the syntax of /etc/amandapass has changed.  i changed it in my patch for
>amanda-2.4.1p1 and this change was included in 2.4.2.  the format of
>amandapass should be:
>//smb-host/sharename username%password
>//somepc/c$ backup%secret
>this is clearly indicated in the docs/SAMBA file.
>you can use the regular expression * to match any sharename.
>this feature does not seem to be documented in the docs/SAMBA file.
>* backup%secret
>the only expression that works is *.
>(because i was lazy when i wrote this patch :-)
>On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Holm-Hansen wrote:
>> Thanks for the help.  I have found that amdump is trying to run smbclient, 
>> is not supplying a password (I have one in /etc/amandapass).  I also found
>> that it was not handling the '/'s as I had expected (so I changed it to
>> "////win2kbox//C$" in my disklist).  This still has not fixed the problem 
>> it is trying to execute this line:
>> smbclient \\\\win2kbox\\C$ -d 0 -U amanda -E -c archive 0;recurse;du
>> which prompts for a password.
>> when it should be trying to execute this line:
>> smbclient \\\\win2kbox\\C$ amandapassword -d 0 -U amanda -E -c archive
>> 0;recurse;du
>> which just goes.
>> For some reason it is not sending the password.  This made me wonder if my
>> /etc/amandapass entries were correct.  I have played around with them, but 
>> no avail.  amandapass is as follows:
>> ////win2kbox//C$ amandapassword
>> (the slashes by the way are correct, I've tried them the other way and they
>> break.  I believe that they have to match the ones in disklist)
>> I'm out of ideas (and it feels like I'm so close!)
>> Andrew
>> >===== Original Message From Todd Pfaff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>> >try this...
>> >
>> >- edit your disklist file and comment out everything except one of the
>> >smbclient backup entries
>> >- run amdump
>> >- look at the debug files in /tmp/amanda/ (i'm not sure which one, maybe
>> >sendbackup.debug, maybe rundump.debug)
>> >
>> >you should see the smbclient command line in there.  try to run that same
>> >command line manually.
>> >
>> >On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Holm-Hansen wrote:
>> >
>> >> Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 14:29:19 -0600
>> >> From: Holm-Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> Cc: amanda-users <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> Subject: RE: Samba/Win2k/RH7.0/Amanda
>> >>
>> >> smbclient is able to connect via command line and to list the contents 
>> the
>> >> w2k box.
>> >>
>> >> amcheck reports that:
>> >>
>> >> ERROR: [PC SHARE //win2kbox/C$ access error: host down or
>> >> invalid password?]
>> >> Client check: 1 host checked in 0.822 seconds, 1 problem found
>> >>
>> >> I checked and rechecked amandapass and my winbox's passwords.  Since I 
>> >> smbclient to the winbox with the username amanda and password that I 
>> set
>> >> in amandapass I assume that this is not the problem.
>> >>
>> >> the selfcheck.debug file is as follows:
>> >>
>> >> selfcheck: debug 1 pid 22058 ruid 505 euid 505 start time Fri Feb 23
>> 17:07:37
>> >> 2001
>> >> /usr/local/libexec/selfcheck: version 2.4.2p1
>> >> checking disk /usr/local: device /usr/local: OK
>> >> checking disk /u1: device /u1: OK
>> >> checking disk /root: device /root: OK
>> >> checking disk /boot: device /boot: OK
>> >> checking disk /etc: device /etc: OK
>> >> checking disk /home: device /home: OK
>> >> selfcheck: pid 22058 finish time Fri Feb 23 17:07:38 2001
>> >>
>> >> I don't know if it's supposed to list the samba connection here.  Also, 
>> can
>> >> use smbmount to mount the win2k partition onto the linux filesystem tree
>> and
>> >> back it up that way.  I don't know if this is a good solution.  Are 
>> >> problems with this?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks again.
>> >>
>> >> Andrew
>> >>
>> >> >===== Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =====
>> >> >In addition to John....
>> >> >
>> >> >Verify that you can use smbclient via command-line to
>> >> >connect and list the contents on the Win2K box.
>> >> >
>> >> >Snippet:
>> >> >Before our NT Admins started using Veritas to backup
>> >> >the Windoze machines I tested amanda under a
>> >> >multi-domain setup PROD and DEV. I had a problem
>> >> >connecting to the SHARE by name //machine/sharename. I
>> >> >could not authenticate using the DEV amanda -
>> >> >user:"backup" password:"I forget" or even as
>> >> >myself(Domain Admin) under the DEV domain in which the
>> >> >machine was bound and all the permissions seemed OK.
>> >> >Although under my PROD(Domain Admin) login I could
>> >> >connect to the SHARE list the contents.
>> >> >
>> >> >In short: Ran out of time to figure it out but if you
>> >> >get smbclient working command line with the logins for
>> >> >amanda.. Amanda will work.
>> >> >
>> >> >Bob
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >--- "John R. Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> >wrote:
>> >> >> >I don't know if there are logs elsewhere that
>> >> >> contain more information about
>> >> >> >the problem.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> What's in /tmp/amanda/selfcheck*debug?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >Andrew
>> >> >>
>> >> >> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist,
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >__________________________________________________
>> >> >Do You Yahoo!?
>> >> >Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
>> >> >http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >--
>> >Todd Pfaff                         \  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >Computing and Information Services  \ Voice: (905) 525-9140 x22920
>> >ABB 132                              \  FAX: (905) 528-3773
>> >McMaster University                   \
>> >Hamilton, Ontario, Canada  L8S 4M1     \
>Todd Pfaff                         \  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Computing and Information Services  \ Voice: (905) 525-9140 x22920
>ABB 132                              \  FAX: (905) 528-3773
>McMaster University                   \
>Hamilton, Ontario, Canada  L8S 4M1     \

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