* Carey Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 07:06:26AM -0600)
> Could someone please clarify the holding disk/taper semantics?  It appears
> that amanda deletes files from the holding disk as they are taped off,
> rather than after they are ALL successfully taped off.  We noticed this when
> we had a tape problem.  When we put a good tape in and tried to re-flush the
> files, they had disappeared from the holding disk.  Watching the behavior
> since then seems to confirm this.

What amanda does (or should do) is:

Dumper dumps mutliple file(systems) to holding disk
taper writes them one by one to tape,
and after a susccesful write, removes them from disk.

so say holdingdisk holds
taper tapes A to tape.
taper reports succesfull write of A
now A gets deleted from holding disk leaving

In my case, I am dumping to LTO tapes, which hold upto 150G 
I don;t have a 150G holding disk
so if taper should only throw away *after* dumping everything to tape, I
would run out of holding disk space, whihc is seriously bad as it severly
degrades performance.
> Regards,
> Carey
Currently listening to: artist - Track 08 (title)

        Gerhard,  <@jasongeo.com>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==       
   __O  If your watch is wound, wound to run, it will
 =`\<,  If your time is due, due to come, it will
(=)/(=) Living this life, is like trying to learn latin
                in a chines firedrill

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