* Chris Marble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 07:56:00AM -0800)
> radar wrote:

>> i have a  (hp c1537a dds3 125m 4mm) tapedrive
>> that can hold 12 gig uncompressed and says that it can
>> compress up to 24. i think you know it all.
>> my thougts was, hey, let the hardware do the compression
>> so your system is not under such a heavy load.

> I was going that way for a while - tape drive doing the compression.
> But I have one computer with 30Gb of data that's mostly already been
> gzipped. 

The choice you make is between extra load on your server/clients or let the
hardware do the job.
For our big box (~ 500G of data [1] ) I have to let the LTO drive do the
compression, if I use software compression on that box, the load becomes so
high, the backup isn;t finished within 24 hours ;).

[1] spread out over serveral disks and tar-slices, so it's not backing all
~500G every time ;) 

Currently listening to: 8-Cocaine Decisions

        Gerhard,  <@jasongeo.com>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==       
   __O  Standing above the crowd, he had a voice so strong and loud
 =`\<,                  we'll miss him
(=)/(=) Ranting and pointing his finger, At everything but his heart
                        we'll miss him

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