>I've inherited two UNIX systems that use Amanda for backups. I haven't been 
>fully trained on using Amanda so I'm trying to read through all the MAN 
>pages and FAQs.

You might also take a look at http://www.backupcentral.com/amanda.html.

>Here is the message I get after the backup fails on one of my systems:

You didn't post any of the errors or warnings, so it's hard to tell
exactly what's going on, however ...

>What is this taper: FATAL shmget: Cannot allocate memory message mean?

This means taper could not allocate the shared memory it uses to buffer
the data between reader and writer.  That, in turn, can be caused by a
system misconfiguration (e.g. not defining enough or any shared memory)
or repeated Amanda failures that didn't clean up properly.  Much of this
is fixed in later releases of Amanda.

Do an "ipcs -m" and see if there are stray shared memory segments still
owned by the Amanda user.  If Amanda is not running, you should not see
any, and may remove them with "ipcrm".

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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