>We just ran across this error, because we hit the 2GB filesize limit ...
>However, the behavior after this error seems a bit odd.  Amanda flushed the
>other disk files on the holding disk to tape ok, but then also left them on
>the holdingdisk.  amverify confirms they're all on tape, but ls shows
>they're all still on the holdingdisk, too.  Is this normal?  ...

By sheer (and extremely annoying :-) coincidence, one of my systems did
the same thing last night, but behaved "properly", i.e. all the images
smaller than 2 GBytes were flushed and removed from the holding disk.
So my best guess is this a problem that's fixed with a more recent
version of Amanda (you didn't say what you're running).


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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