
        I have several machines that I back up using amanda.  All but one are on 
the same network (100Mbit).  The other one is across a T1(1.5Mbit) line. 
  I noticed the following behavour:
OS: linux (redhat 6.x)
amanda: 2.4.2 and 2.4.2p1
DLT changer
lots of room on the holding disk

backup all the small partitions
several local partitions start
one of the partitions across the T1 starts
the local partitions end at various times
more local partitions start
the remote partition keeps going (slowly T1 :)
the partitions that started after the remote partition end
   but they stay in the holding area
<wait some more>
remote partition ends (about 4 hours later) and writes to tape
holding area dumps start writeing to tape
other partitions start and write normally

( I hope that made sense)

It seems that the order dumps are written to tape is the order in which 
they were started.
Am I missing something to let the 'taping' happen as soon as possible?
Or, Is this 'the way it works'?


Christopher McCrory
"The guy that keeps the servers running"

"Linux: Because rebooting is for adding new hardware"

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