I've taken over the amanda backups of a number of machines. They seem 
to be working now except that 3 machines fail with this error message 
like this:
  FAIL planner glenord /dev/dsk/dks1d5s7 0 [Request to glenord failed: 
  timeout waiting for ACK]
  FAIL planner glenord /dev/usr 0 [Request to glenord failed: timeout 
  waiting for ACK]
  FAIL planner glenord /dev/root 0 [Request to glenord failed: timeout 
  waiting for ACK]

Now the thing is that these machines that fail are all SGIs whereas all 
the machines that work are solaris Suns. The fix is probably fairly 
obvious but I'm afraid I don't know. Here is the entry for the machine 
in question in disklist:
  glenord /dev/root       nocomp-user
  glenord /dev/usr        nocomp-user
  glenord /dev/dsk/dks1d5s7       nocomp-user
and the machine glenord has an fstab like so:
  /dev/root / xfs rw,raw=/dev/rroot 0 0
  /dev/usr /usr xfs rw,raw=/dev/rusr 0 0
  /dev/dsk/dks1d5s7 /export/home2 efs rw,raw=/dev/rdsk/dks1d5s7 0 0  
Is it got something to do with the fact that it has xfs type 
filesystems and an efs filesystem? Do I have to tell amanada (somehow) 
about this?

Well thnks for any help or advice in advance,


Ross Macintyre
Heriot-Watt University

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